Tenement: M39-159

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Extracted from MTO on 13-Sep-2024 00:40, last changed 13-Sep-2024.

Tenement Summary

Identifier:M 39/159Type:Mining Lease
Status:LiveDistrict:MT. MORGANS
Lodged:LEONORAArea:537.45000 HA
Purposes:Term:21 Years (Renewed)
Markout:24-Mar-1988 10:15Received:24-Mar-1988 11:42
Commence:30-Aug-1988 Expiry:29-Aug-2030


Company NameSharesTotal Shares

Applicants on Receival

Company NameSharesTotal Shares


Relationship TypeDealingDealing StatusTenementTenement Status
Section 70BConversion 498977RecordedR 39/1Dead


Shire NameShire NumberStartArea
LAVERTON SHIRE497024-Mar-1988 0.33000 HA
LEONORA SHIRE504024-Mar-1988 537.12000 HA


21Compliance with the provisions of the Aboriginal Heritage Act, 1972 to ensure that no action is taken which would interfere with or damage any Aboriginal site.30-Aug-1988
31All surface holes drilled for the purpose of exploration are to be capped, filled or otherwise made safe after completion.30-Aug-1988
42All costeans and other disturbances to the surface of the land made as a result of exploration, including drill pads, grid lines and access tracks, being backfilled and rehabilitated to the satisfaction of the Environmental Officer, Department of Industry and Resources (DoIR). Backfilling and rehabilitation being required no later than 6 months after excavation unless otherwise approved in writing by the Environmental Officer, DoIR.12-Aug-2005
41All costeans and other disturbances to the surface of the land made as a result of exploration, including drill pads, grid lines and access tracks, being backfilled and rehabilitated to the satisfaction of the District Mining Engineer. Backfilling and rehabilitation being required no later than 6 months after excavation unless otherwise approved in writing by the District Mining Engineer.30-Aug-1988 11-Aug-2005
51All waste materials, rubbish, plastic sample bags, abandoned equipment and temporary buildings being removed from the mining tenement prior to or at the termination of exploration program.30-Aug-1988
62Unless the written approval of the Environmental Officer, DoIR is first obtained, the use of scrapers, graders, bulldozers, backhoes or other mechanised equipment for surface clearing or the excavation of costeans is prohibited. Following approval, all topsoil being removed ahead of mining operations and separately stockpiled for replacement after backfilling and/or completion of operations.12-Aug-2005
61Unless the written approval of the District Mining Engineer, Department of Mines, is first obtained, the use of scrapers, graders, bulldozers, backhoes or other mechanised equipment for surface clearing or the excavation of costeans is prohibited. Following approval, all topsoil being removed ahead of mining operations and separately stockpiled for replacement after backfilling and/or completion of operations.30-Aug-1988 11-Aug-2005
72No developmental or productive mining or construction activity being commenced until the tenement holder has submitted a plan of the proposed operations and measures to safeguard the environment to the Director, Environment, DoIR for assessment; and until his written approval has been obtained.12-Aug-2005
71No developmental or productive mining or construction activity being commenced until the tenement holder has submitted a plan of the proposed operations and measures to safeguard the environment to the State Mining Engineer for assessment; and until his written approval has been obtained.30-Aug-1988 11-Aug-2005
81Mining on any road or road reserve being confined to below a depth of 15 metres from the natural surface.30-Aug-1988
91The construction and operation of the project and measures to protect the environment being carried out generally in accordance with the document titled:
  • "Ground Disturbance Approval Application - Exploration on Mining Lease 39/159 (EXP 3878)" dated 24 November 2005 and signed by Mr Ed Turner, Senior Exploration Geologist and retained on Department of Industry and Resources File No. T2504/200301.
101The lessee arranging lodgement of a Bond in favour of the Minister responsible for the Mining Act 1978 for due compliance with the environmental conditions of the lease in the sum of:
  • $5,000.
26-Apr-2006 15-Jan-2013


Cond #VerTextStartEnd
21Compliance with the provisions of the Aboriginal Heritage Act, 1972 to ensure that no action is taken which would interfere with or damage any Aboriginal site.30-Aug-1988
31All surface holes drilled for the purpose of exploration are to be capped, filled or otherwise made safe after completion.30-Aug-1988
42All costeans and other disturbances to the surface of the land made as a result of exploration, including drill pads, grid lines and access tracks, being backfilled and rehabilitated to the satisfaction of the Environmental Officer, Department of Industry and Resources (DoIR). Backfilling and rehabilitation being required no later than 6 months after excavation unless otherwise approved in writing by the Environmental Officer, DoIR.12-Aug-2005
41All costeans and other disturbances to the surface of the land made as a result of exploration, including drill pads, grid lines and access tracks, being backfilled and rehabilitated to the satisfaction of the District Mining Engineer. Backfilling and rehabilitation being required no later than 6 months after excavation unless otherwise approved in writing by the District Mining Engineer.30-Aug-1988 11-Aug-2005
51All waste materials, rubbish, plastic sample bags, abandoned equipment and temporary buildings being removed from the mining tenement prior to or at the termination of exploration program.30-Aug-1988
62Unless the written approval of the Environmental Officer, DoIR is first obtained, the use of scrapers, graders, bulldozers, backhoes or other mechanised equipment for surface clearing or the excavation of costeans is prohibited. Following approval, all topsoil being removed ahead of mining operations and separately stockpiled for replacement after backfilling and/or completion of operations.12-Aug-2005
61Unless the written approval of the District Mining Engineer, Department of Mines, is first obtained, the use of scrapers, graders, bulldozers, backhoes or other mechanised equipment for surface clearing or the excavation of costeans is prohibited. Following approval, all topsoil being removed ahead of mining operations and separately stockpiled for replacement after backfilling and/or completion of operations.30-Aug-1988 11-Aug-2005
72No developmental or productive mining or construction activity being commenced until the tenement holder has submitted a plan of the proposed operations and measures to safeguard the environment to the Director, Environment, DoIR for assessment; and until his written approval has been obtained.12-Aug-2005
71No developmental or productive mining or construction activity being commenced until the tenement holder has submitted a plan of the proposed operations and measures to safeguard the environment to the State Mining Engineer for assessment; and until his written approval has been obtained.30-Aug-1988 11-Aug-2005
81Mining on any road or road reserve being confined to below a depth of 15 metres from the natural surface.30-Aug-1988
91The construction and operation of the project and measures to protect the environment being carried out generally in accordance with the document titled:
  • "Ground Disturbance Approval Application - Exploration on Mining Lease 39/159 (EXP 3878)" dated 24 November 2005 and signed by Mr Ed Turner, Senior Exploration Geologist and retained on Department of Industry and Resources File No. T2504/200301.
101The lessee arranging lodgement of a Bond in favour of the Minister responsible for the Mining Act 1978 for due compliance with the environmental conditions of the lease in the sum of:
  • $5,000.
26-Apr-2006 15-Jan-2013


Caveat1904H/912Lodged 9:30 AM on 03 Aug 1992 by WESTRALIAN SANDS LTD in respect to 48/96ths shares in the name of CPC ENERGY PTY LTDRECORDED 9:30 AM 03 Aug 1992WITHDRAWN 2:50 PM 27 Jul 1993
Withdrawal of Dealing139H/934Lodged 2:50 PM on 27 Jul 1993 withdrawing Caveat 1904H/912REGISTERED 2:50 PM 27 Jul 1993
Caveat106H/934Lodged 2:50 PM on 27 Jul 1993 by RICHFILE PTY LTD in respect to 48/96ths shares in the name of CPC ENERGY PTY LTDRECORDED 2:50 PM 27 Jul 1993Re: Transfer 1517H/923: 14 day notice sent 30 Aug 1993WITHDRAWN 12:23 PM 10 Sep 1993
Withdrawal of Dealing206H/934Lodged 12:23 PM on 10 Sep 1993 withdrawing Caveat 106H/934REGISTERED 12:23 PM 10 Sep 1993
Caveat309H/934Lodged 12:23 PM on 10 Sep 1993 by RICHFILE PTY LTD in respect to 48/96ths shares in the name of GREATER AUSTRALIAN GOLD NLRECORDED 12:23 PM 10 SepRE: Agreement 38H/056 14 days notice sent 24 Jan 2006LAPSED 12:00 Midnight 07 Feb 2006
PlaintLE28/934Lodged 9:44 AM on 02 Dec 1993 by Robert GARDNERRECORDED 9:44 AM 02 Dec 1993Notice of Defence lodged 09 Feb 1994DISMISSED 22 Apr 1994 by Warden K.M. Boothman
PlaintLE53/934Lodged 9:39 AM on 26 May 1994 by RICHFILE PTY LTDRECORDED 9:39 AM 26 May 1994UPHELD 15 Dec 1995 GREATER AUSTALIAN GOLD NL to transfer to RICHFILE PTY LTD 48/96ths shares in Mining Lease 39/159, by order of Warden P. Heaney
PlaintLE9/956Lodged 11:45 AM on 04 Sep 1995 (for forfeiture) by Linda LATHAMRECORDED 11:45 AM 04 Sep 1995DISMISSED 16 Apr 1998 by order of Warden G. Calder
ObjectionLE30/956Lodged 12:13:00 PM on 06 Nov 1995 by Linda LATHAM to Application for Exemption From Expenditure LE274/956REGISTERED 12:13 PM 06 Nov 1995DISMISSED 07 Nov 1997 by the Warden on recommendation for approval of Exemption LE274/956
PlaintLE25/978Lodged 8:31 AM on 11 Nov 1997 by RICHFILE PTY LTD claiming that: Pursuant to a written agreement between the Plaintiff and the Defendant dated 27 Nov 1992 ("the Agreement"), the Defendant agreed that if i wished to sell its interest in Mining Tenement 39/159 ("the Tenement") it would first offer to transfer its interest in the Tenement ("the Interest") to the Plaintiff. The Defendant is proposing to sell the Interest. The Defendant is required by the Agreement to offer the Interest in the Tenement to the Plaintiff.RECORDED 8:31 AM 11 Nov 1997DISMISSED 23 Apr 1999 Order by Warden G. Calder on 23 Apr 1999 that: 1. GREATER AUSTRALIAN GOLD NL and FIVE STAR RESOURCES NL motion dated 26 Feb 1999 be adjourned sine die. 2. Plaint LE 25/978 be dismissed. 3. There be no order as to costs. 4. Caveat 460H/978 lodged by RICHFILE PTY LTD on 28 Jan 1998 with respect to GREATER AUSTRALIAN GOLD NL's 48/96ths shares be removed.
Caveat460H/978Lodged 2:45 PM on 21 Nov 1997 by RICHFILE PTY LTD in respect to 48/96ths shares in the name of GREATER AUSTRALIAN GOLD NLREJECTED 2:45 PM 21 Nov 1997RELODGED 10:45 AM 28 Jan 1998RECORDED 10:45 AM 28 Jan 1998REMOVED 23 Apr 1999 by order of Warden G. Calder pursuant to Section 122(1)(a)
Caveat1022H/056Lodged 1:50:00 PM on 28 Nov 2005 by COUGAR METALS NLRECORDED 1:50 PM 28 Nov 2005Re Agreement 38H/056 14 days notice sent 24 Jan 2006. Order given by Warden Calder on 03 Feb 2006 that caveat remains in force on registration of agreementRe Transfers 673H/067 and 674H/067 14 day notice sent 10 Nov 2008 Order given by Warden Calder on 24 Nov 2008 that caveat remains in force on registration of the transfersRe Mortgage 446796 14 day notice sent 9 July 2014 Order given by Warden Tavener on 22 July 2014 that caveat reamins in force on registration of the mortgage
Agreement38H/056Agreement (Option Agreement - Pyke Hill Project) GREATER AUSTRALIAN GOLD NL and COUGAR METALS NL Lodged 12:10:00 PM on 17 Jan 2006REGISTERED 8:30 AM 08 Feb 2006
Bond233677Lodged 9:30:00 AM on 13 Feb 2006 For $5,000.00 (Security)RECORDED 9:30 AM 13 Feb 2006RETIRED:16 March 2009
PlaintLE63/056Lodged 2:00 PM on 16 Feb 2006 by RICHORE PTY LTD seeking: 1) A Declaration that the Plaintiff is entitled to be registered as holder of 48/96ths shares in Mining Lease 39/159, 2) An Order that the Second Defendant execute a transfer of 48/96ths shares in Mining Lease 39/159 to the First Defendant within 7 days of such an Order, 3) An Order that in the event of the Second Defendant failing to execute a transfer in accordance with the above Order, that the Director of Mineral Titles Division, Department of Industry and Resources, be directed to amend the Register in respect of Mining Lease 39/159 to show the First Defendant as the registered holder of 48/96ths shares, 4) That the Second Defendant do pay the Plaintiff's costs on an indemnity basis.RECORDED 2:00 PM 16 Feb 2006Notice Of Defence of Second Defendant lodged 12:02pm on 10 April 2006.Warden's Determination:Other 10:30 26 March 2008(1) Plaintiff's claim against Greater Australian Gold NL is dismissed. (2) Plaintiff's Application for declaration and for orders in relation to registration of transfers is adjourned. (3) Judgment as to liability for Greater Australian Gold NL on its counterclaim. (4) Quantification of the amount of judgment on the counterclaim is adjourned. (5) Costs reserved.ORDERS AND DECLARATION UPON JUDGMENT BY WARDEN GN CALDER ON 31 AUGUST 2008 IN RESPECT OF THE 2ND DEFENDANT  S COUNTERCLAIM: 1. The Plaintiff pay to the 2nd Defendant the amount of $152,191.25 together with interest calculated at the rate of 6% such interest to be calculated in respect of the individual items of expenditure shown and calculated from the date when such expenditure is shown as having been incurred. 2. The Plaintiff pay the 2nd Defendant s costs to be taxed, (if not agreed) in respect of the proceedings up to the date of commencement of Mining Amendment Regulations 2007, in accordance with costs allowed under the Local Court Rules 1961, and thereafter in accordance with the legal costs determination in force under the Legal Practice Act 2003 that applies to the civil jurisdiction of the Magistrates Court provided that pursuant to subregulation 128(3) of the Mining Regulations 1981 in addition a special counsel fee on brief of $500 and a commensurate refresher fee is fixed because of the relative complexity of the law. 3. Caveat No.892H/067, being an absolute caveat lodged on 7 November 2006 by the 2nd Defendant, is to be withdrawn by the 2nd Defendant within 7 days of the publication of this order provided that if it is not withdrawn within that period of 7 days it is, by this order, to be removed immediately upon the expiry of that period and in either case a memorial to the effect that the caveat thereupon ceases to have effect is to be entered in the register. 4. Pending payment in full of the amounts ordered herein to be paid by the Plaintiff to the 2nd Defendant, consent is hereby given pursuant to the provisions of sub-section 122A(6) of the Mining Act 1978 (WA) (  the Act  ) for the 2nd Defendant to immediately upon Caveat No.892H/067 ceasing to have effect lodge a successive caveat being a subject to claim caveat against Mining Lease 39/139. 5. Within 10 days of the 2nd Defendant having received from the Plaintiff payment in full of all of the amounts that are to be paid to itby the Plaintiff, pursuant to both of Orders 1 and 2 hereof, the 2nd Defendant is to lodge a withdrawal of any such caveat as has been lodged by it in accordance with Order 4 hereof. IN RESPECT OF THE PLAINTIFF  S CLAIM: 6. IT IS DECLARED that subject to the provisions of the Act the Plaintiff is entitled to be registered as the holder of a 48/96th share of Mining Lease 39/159. 7. IT IS ORDERED that Applications having been made for the registration of transfers 673H/067 and 674H/067 affecting Mining Lease 39/159 the 3rd Defendant is to forthwith cause to be sent on behalf of the Minister pursuant to sub-section 122E(1) of the Act to Cougar Metals NL in respect of Caveat No.1022H/056 lodged by Cougar Metals NL on 28 November 2005 notification of such applications for registration.Caveat 892H/067 removed 7 November 2008 by Order of Warden GN Calder (3. finalised) Caveat 1022H/056 14 day notice sent 11 November 2008 on Transfers 673H/067 and 674H/067. Order by Warden GN Calder on 24 November 2008 that Transfers 673H/067 and 674H/067 be registered (7. finalised) Transfer 674H/067 of 48/96ths shares to Richore Pty Ltd registered 24 November 2008 (6. finalised) Caveat 304171 lodged 14 November 2008 (4. finalised) Caveat 304171 Withdrawn 14:45 5 March 2009 (5., 1. and 2, finalised)
Caveat1348H/056Lodged 3:15:00 PM on 15 Feb 2006 pursuant to Section 122A(1)(a) by RICHORE PTY LTD in respect to 48/96ths shares in the name of GREATER AUSTRALIAN GOLD NLREJECTED 3:15 PM 15 Feb 2006RELODGED 4:30 PM 23 Feb 2006RECORDED 4:30 PM 23 Feb 2006
Caveat892H/067Lodged 9:30 AM on 07 Nov 2006 pursuant to Section 122A(1)(a) by PYKE HILL RESOURCES PTY LTDREJECTED 9:30 AM 07 Nov 2006RELODGED 9:30 AM 15 Nov 2006RECORDED 9:30 AM 15 Nov 2006Order by Warden Calder, on 31 Oct 2008 that Caveat 892H/067 is to be withdrawn by the Caveator within 7 days of this order, provided that if it is not withdrawn within that 7 day period it is, by this order, to be removed immediately upon the expiry of that period. REMOVED 07 Nov 2008 by order of Warden G. Calder pursuant to Section 122E (1)(a)LAPSED:00:00:01 07 November 2008
Application to Amend606H/067Lodged 4:15:00 PM on 16 Nov 2006 amending address to c/- M & M Walter Consulting, PO Box 8197, Subiaco WA 6008RECORDED 4:15 PM 16 Nov 2006
Caveat304171Lodged:11:20 14 November 2008Caveat Type:Subject to Claim CaveatCaveator:PYKE HILL RESOURCES PTY LTDShares Caveated:48/96 shares PYKE HILL RESOURCES PTY LTDRECORDED:11:20 14 November 2008Successive Caveat:Granted Calder 31 October 2008WITHDRAWN:14:45 05 March 2009
Withdrawal of Dealing314453Lodged:14:45 05 March 2009In respect to:Caveat 304171RECORDED:14:45 05 March 2009
Bond315126Lodged:13:40 13 March 2009Bond Type:SecurityBond Amount:$5,000.00RECORDED:13 March 2009RETIRED:15 January 2013
Bond Requirement315130Requirement Date:26/04/2006Amount:$5,000.00RECORDED:13:46:55 26 April 2006FINALISED:13:06:37 15 January 2013
Extension / Renewal of Term319873Lodged:10:08 05 May 2009Applied For Period:21 YearsRECORDED:10:08 05 May 2009Granted Period:21 YearsTerm Renewed To:29/08/2030GRANTED:21 May 2009
Application to Amend347565Lodged:09:30 28 May 2010Amending:AddressFrom:PYKE HILL RESOURCES PTY LTD, C/- M & M WALTER CONSULTING, PO BOX 8197, SUBIACO EAST, WA, 6008To:PYKE HILL RESOURCES PTY LTD, C/- ADMIRALTY RESOURCES NL, PO BOX 517, MELBOURNE, VIC, 3001RECORDED:09:30 28 May 2010
Application to Amend351863Lodged:14:34 22 July 2010Amending:AddressFrom:PYKE HILL RESOURCES PTY LTD, C/- ADMIRALTY RESOURCES NL, PO BOX 517, MELBOURNE, VIC, 3001To:PYKE HILL RESOURCES PTY LTD, C/- M & M WALTER CONSULTING, PO BOX 8197, SUBIACO EAST, WA, 6008RECORDED:14:34 22 July 2010
Application to Amend379230Lodged:13:54 15 August 2011Amending:AddressFrom:Residential : PYKE HILL RESOURCES PTY LTD, SAME AS CORRESPONDENCE and Correspondance :PYKE HILL RESOURCES PTY LTDC/- M & M WALTER CONSULTING, PO BOX 8197, SUBIACO EAST, WA, 6008To:Residential : PYKE HILL RESOURCES PTY LTD, ADDRESS NOT PROVIDED and Correspondance :PYKE HILL RESOURCES PTY LTDC/- COUGAR METALS NL, PO BOX 745, SUBIACO, WA, 6904RECORDED:13:54 15 August 2011
Extension of Time409180Lodged:14:39 26 October 2012Type:Form 5RECORDED:14:39 26 October 2012APPROVED:00:00 29 October 2012Extension of time until 9 November 2012 to lodge Form 5 for the year ending 29 August 2012.
Forfeiture451242Initiated:10/07/2014 for non-compliance with expenditure conditionsRECORDED:14:45 23 August 2013Notice Issued:Regulation 50 Notice sent 10/07/2014 for non-compliance with expenditure conditions pursuant to Reg 31 & 32.Compliance Date:11/08/2014FINALISED:Order by Minister on 10 September 2014 that M 39/159 be Penalty Imposed
Mortgage446796Lodged:15:30 20 May 2014Mortgaged Shares:48/96 shares RICHORE PTY LTDMortgagee:KURRABA INVESTMENTS PTY LTD JILLMILL PTY LTDREGISTERED:10:00 22 July 2014
Application to Amend450919Lodged:13:05 17 July 2014REJECTED:13:05 17 July 2014
Fine454530Fine in respect to:Forfeiture Process 451242Fine reason:Non-compliance with expenditure obligationsPenalty amount:$3,198.00Notification date:11/09/2014Due date:16/10/2014Pursuant to:Section 97(5)RECORDED:11 September 2014PAYMENT RECEIVED:18 September 2014FINALISED:18 September 2014Receipt Number:06-139104Amount:$3,198.00Remaining balance:$0.00
Plaint458813Lodged:16:05 05 December 2014Plaintiffs:RICHORE PTY LTDSeeking:Requesting the removal of Caveat 1022H/056 (227624) from M39/159.Respondents:PYKE HILL RESOURCES PTY LTDRECORDED:16:05 05 December 2014Warden's Determination:Discontinued 10:00 02 June 2015Wardens determination is that this can proceed administratively.
Application to Amend498144Lodged:15:30 06 December 2016Amending:Address (Including DTC Details)From:PYKE HILL RESOURCES PTY LTD, C/-WESTERN TENEMENT SERVICES, PO BOX 428, GREENWOOD, WA, 6924To:PYKE HILL RESOURCES PTY LTD, C/-WESTERN TENEMENT SERVICES, PO BOX 3285, EAST PERTH, WA, 6892RECORDED:15:30 06 December 2016
Plaint540010Lodged:14:10 03 October 2018Respondents:COUGAR METALS NLSeeking:Requesting the removal of Caveat 1022H/056 (227624) from Plaintiff's shares of M39/159.Plaintiffs:RICHORE PTY LTDRECORDED:14:10 03 October 2018Plaint 540010 dismissed on 27 August 2020Warden's Determination:Dismissed 13:00 27 August 2020Plaint dismissed by Warden 27/08/2020 with consent of the parties.
Application to Amend584199Lodged:13:05 14 August 2020Amending:Address (Including DTC Details)From:Principal Place of Business : RICHORE PTY LTD, SAME AS CORRESPONDENCE and DTC :RICHORE PTY LTD, 25 MILL HILL ROAD, BONDI JUNCTION, NSW, 2022To:Principal Place of Business : RICHORE PTY LTD, C/- BARTELS BUSINESS LAWYERS, SUITE 402/51 RAWSON STREET, EPPING, NSW, 2121, xxxxxxxxx@bartelslaw.com.au and DTC :RICHORE PTY LTD, MARCO TENTORI, C/- ANDERSON'S TENEMENT MANAGEMENT, PO BOX 2162, WARWICK, WA, 6024, xxxxxx@atmwa.net.au, xxxxxxxxx095RECORDED:13:05 14 August 2020
Plaint589036Lodged:13:55:50 26 October 2020Respondents:PYKE HILL RESOURCES PTY LTD, RICHORE PTY LTDPlaintiffs:COUGAR METALS NL (SUBJECT TO DEED OF COMPANY ARRANGEMENT)RECORDED:13:55:50 26 October 2020Warden's Determination:Order 10:00 09 September 2021A declaration that Cougar holds all Lateritic Mineral Nickel rights for the whole of M36/159 pursuant to the terms of the Option Agreement. 2. An order that the Respondents pay the Plaintiff's costs to be taxed if not agreed.
Plaint627690Lodged:13:00:53 07 July 2021Respondents:COUGAR METALS NLSeeking:The plaintiffs seek: a. a declaration that the Option Agreement is terminated effective from 6 July 2021; b. a declaration that the registered holders of the Tenement have the sole rights to the lateritic nickel contained in or on the Tenement; c. an order that the Plaintiff is to immediately remove caveat 1022H/056 (227624) from the Tenement; d. such other orders as the Court sees fit; and e. costs.Plaintiffs:PYKE HILL RESOURCES PTY LTD, RICHORE PTY LTDRECORDED:13:00:53 07 July 2021Warden's Determination:Dismissed 10:00 09 September 2021The Plaint is dismissed. The Plaintiffs are to pay the Respondent's costs to be taxed if not agreed.
Plaint634313Lodged:15:38 18 October 2021Plaintiffs:COUGAR METALS NLSeeking:Plaint to be discontinuedRespondents:RICHORE PTY LTD, PYKE HILL RESOURCES PTY LTDRECORDED:15:38 18 October 2021Warden's Determination:Discontinued 10:00 29 October 2021Minute of consent order granted to discontinue plaint.


TypeYearReceipt DateReceipt No.MR LodgedAmountRental AreaEffective DateAmt DueDiscrepancy
Rental202506-Sep-2024 10658325$15,386.80537.45000 HA08-May-2009 $15,386.80$0.00
Rental202425-Sep-2023 10412191$13,988.00537.45000 HA08-May-2009 $13,988.00$0.00
Rental202307-Sep-2022 10288198$12,912.00537.45000 HA08-May-2009 $12,912.00$0.00
Rental202224-Sep-2021 10222119$11,836.00537.45000 HA08-May-2009 $11,836.00$11,836.00
Rental202221-Sep-2021 10221533$11,836.00
Rental202125-Sep-2020 10165322$10,760.00537.45000 HA08-May-2009 $10,760.00$0.00
Rental202017-Sep-2019 10115138$5,326.20537.45000 HA08-May-2009 $10,652.40$0.00
Rental202025-Jul-2019 95541802343$5,326.20
Rental201931-Aug-2018 86541186813$5,030.30537.45000 HA08-May-2009 $10,060.60$0.00
Rental201901-Aug-2018 3976832034$5,030.30
Rental201811-Sep-2017 6669287176$2,004.05537.45000 HA08-May-2009 $9,468.80$0.00
Rental201829-Aug-2017 M39-159 COUGAR METAL$4,734.40
Rental201828-Aug-2017 6669287176$2,730.35
Rental201729-Aug-2016 06-156115PERTH$4,586.45537.45000 HA08-May-2009 $9,172.90$0.00
Rental201715-Aug-2016 06-155840PERTH$4,586.45
Rental201607-Sep-2015 06-148472PERTH$4,438.50537.45000 HA08-May-2009 $8,877.00$0.00
Rental201628-Jul-2015 06-147386PERTH$4,438.50
Rental201504-Aug-2014 06-137675PERTH$4,330.90537.45000 HA08-May-2009 $8,661.80$0.00
Rental201531-Jul-2014 06-137587PERTH$4,330.90
Rental201416-Sep-2013 06-128436PERTH$4,223.30537.45000 HA08-May-2009 $8,446.60$0.00
Rental201401-Aug-2013 06-126908PERTH$4,223.30
Rental201330-Oct-2012 06-116816PERTH$4,142.60537.45000 HA08-May-2009 $8,285.20$0.00
Rental201314-Aug-2012 06-113708PERTH$4,142.60
Rental201205-Sep-2011 99557PERTH$4,035.00537.45000 HA08-May-2009 $8,070.00$0.00
Rental201219-Aug-2011 98793PERTH$4,035.00
Rental201130-Aug-2010 83512PERTH$4,290.55537.45000 HA08-May-2009 $8,581.10$0.00
Rental201120-Aug-2010 83212PERTH$4,290.55
Rental201010-Aug-2009 68175PERTH$355.08537.45000 HA08-May-2009 $8,403.56$0.00
Rental201005-May-2009 10212LEONORA$8,048.48
Rental200920-Aug-2008 55235PERTH$8,048.48537.45000 HA08-May-2009 $8,048.48$0.00
Rental200828-Aug-2007 41700PERTH$7,811.76537.45000 HA08-May-2009 $7,811.76$0.00
Rental200731-Jul-2006 27093PERTH$7,456.68537.45000 HA08-May-2009 $7,456.68$0.00
Rental200620-Sep-2005 15853PERTH$7,219.96537.45000 HA08-May-2009 $7,219.96$0.00
Rental200524-Sep-2004 3063PERTH$7,042.42537.45000 HA08-May-2009 $7,042.42$0.00
Rental200401-Oct-2003 64790PERTH$6,864.88537.45000 HA08-May-2009 $6,864.88$0.00
Rental200320-Aug-2002 51924PERTH$6,628.16537.45000 HA08-May-2009 $6,628.16$0.00
Rental200218-Sep-2001 40862PERTH$6,456.00537.45000 HA08-May-2009 $6,456.00$0.00
Rental200111-Sep-2000 27893PERTH$6,095.54537.45000 HA08-May-2009 $6,095.54$0.00
Rental200019-Jul-2000 25185PERTH$90.84537.45000 HA08-May-2009 $5,632.24$0.00
Rental200028-Sep-1999 15932PERTH$5,541.40
Rental199921-Sep-1998 2047PERTH$5,541.40537.45000 HA08-May-2009 $5,541.40$0.00
Rental199807-Oct-1997 168815PERTH$5,380.00537.45000 HA08-May-2009 $5,380.00$0.00
Rental199706-Sep-1996 149119PERTH$5,380.00537.45000 HA08-May-2009 $5,380.00$0.00
Rental199624-Nov-1995 135439PERTH$5,380.00537.45000 HA08-May-2009 $5,380.00$0.00
Rental199525-Oct-1994 116447PERTH$5,003.40537.45000 HA08-May-2009 $5,003.40$0.00
Rental199415-Nov-1993 99196PERTH$5,003.40537.45000 HA08-May-2009 $5,003.40$0.00
Rental199313-Aug-1992 78222PERTH$5,003.40537.45000 HA08-May-2009 $5,003.40$0.00
Rental199201-Aug-1991 61810PERTH$5,003.40537.45000 HA08-May-2009 $5,003.40$0.00
Rental199117-Jul-1990 1PERTH$4,680.60537.45000 HA08-May-2009 $4,680.60$0.00
Rental199018-Jul-1989 86PERTH$4,357.80537.45000 HA08-May-2009 $4,357.80$0.00
Rental198924-Mar-1988 86LEONORA$4,142.60537.45000 HA08-May-2009 $4,142.60$0.00


YearForm 5 TypeMin ExpdExp Lodged DateTotal ExpdExemp NoExemp LodgedExemp AmtExemp StatusOutcome DateExploration ActivitiesMining ActivitiesAboriginal SurveyRentAdministrationProspectingStrike Through
2024$53,800.0070855104-Jul-2024 $53,800.00Recordedfalse
2023$53,800.0012-Oct-2023 $57,595.03$32,119.00$0.00$0.00$14,716.03$10,760.00$0.00false
2022$53,800.0020-Oct-2022 $67,408.13$37,000.00$0.00$0.00$20,408.13$10,000.00$0.00false
2022Additional$53,800.0020-Sep-2022 $62,523.75$31,671.62$0.00$0.00$20,432.13$10,420.00$0.00false
2021$53,800.0013-Oct-2021 $73,852.50$44,600.00$0.00$0.00$19,252.50$10,000.00$0.00false
2020$53,800.0028-Oct-2020 $27,554.4158914428-Oct-2020 $53,800.00Granted02-Mar-2021 $6,533.18$0.00$0.00$18,894.98$2,126.25$0.00false
2019$53,800.0023-Oct-2019 $122,134.93$93,079.65$0.00$0.00$18,295.28$10,760.00$0.00false
2018$53,800.0023-Oct-2018 $138,791.41$106,546.00$0.00$0.00$16,485.41$15,760.00$0.00false
2017$53,800.0031-Aug-2017 $62,055.12$35,348.00$0.00$0.00$15,947.12$10,760.00$0.00false
2016$53,800.0028-Oct-2016 $53,953.35$28,102.31$0.00$0.00$15,091.04$10,760.00$0.00false
2015$53,800.0026-Oct-2015 $93,762.84$63,260.00$0.00$0.00$14,875.84$15,627.00$0.00false
2014Replacement$53,800.0002-Sep-2014 $75,512.22$50,756.00$0.00$0.00$13,996.22$10,760.00$0.00false
2014$53,800.0027-Aug-2014 $75,512.22$50,756.00$0.00$0.00$13,996.22$10,760.00$0.00true
2013Replacement$53,800.0003-Sep-2013 $21,819.0042981723-Aug-2013 $53,800.00Refused10-Jul-2014 $0.00$0.00$0.00$11,059.00$10,760.00$0.00false
2013$53,800.0030-Aug-2013 $21,819.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$11,059.00$10,760.00$0.00true
2012$53,800.0008-Nov-2012 $90,396.00$66,042.00$0.00$0.00$14,448.00$9,906.00$0.00false
2011$53,800.0026-Oct-2011 $60,315.00$35,840.00$0.00$0.00$13,715.00$10,760.00$0.00false
2010$53,800.0001-Oct-2010 $40,798.0035688505-Oct-2010 $53,800.00Granted18-Jan-2011 $16,500.00$0.00$0.00$13,538.00$10,760.00$0.00false
2009$53,800.0013-Oct-2009 $87,768.00$63,800.00$0.00$0.00$12,520.00$11,448.00$0.00false
2008$53,800.0016-Oct-2008 $221,450.00$180,298.00$0.00$0.00$11,902.00$29,250.00$0.00false
2007$53,800.0017-Oct-2007 $534,150.00$450,786.00$0.00$0.00$11,536.00$71,828.00$0.00false
2006$53,800.0012-Oct-2006 $154,273.00$120,365.00$0.00$0.00$11,179.00$22,729.00$0.00false
2005$53,800.0020-Sep-2005 $81,524.00$63,848.00$0.00$0.00$7,042.00$10,634.00$0.00false
2004$53,800.0007-Sep-2004 $69,340.00$52,536.00$0.00$0.00$10,068.00$6,736.00$0.00false
2003$53,800.0024-Oct-2003 $17,577.0018706127-Oct-2003 $36,223.00Granted05-Jan-2004 $0.00$0.00$0.00$9,719.00$7,858.00$0.00false
2002$53,800.0025-Oct-2002 $9,498.0015724428-Oct-2002 $44,303.00Granted21-Feb-2003 $0.00$0.00$0.00$9,498.00$0.00$0.00false
2001$53,800.0026-Oct-2001 $9,117.0011260229-Oct-2001 $44,683.00Refused24-Sep-2002 $0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00false
2000$53,800.0013-Oct-2000 $16,967.0011223513-Oct-2000 $41,332.00Granted09-Mar-2001 $0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00false
1999$53,800.0027-Oct-1999 $19,169.0011245728-Oct-1999 $34,631.00Granted22-Feb-2000 $0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00false
1998$53,800.0007-Oct-1998 $90,256.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00false
1997$0.0021-Oct-1997 $4,000.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00false
1996$53,800.0011-Nov-1996 $5,400.0011256911-Nov-1996 $48,400.00Granted21-Oct-1998 $0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00false
1995$53,800.0027-Oct-1995 $23,952.0011217527-Oct-1995 $29,848.00Granted01-Dec-1997 $0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00false
1994$53,800.0021-Oct-1994 $61,251.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00false
1993$53,800.0017-Jan-1994 $63,660.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00false
1992$53,800.0021-Sep-1992 $1,000.0011175321-Sep-1992 $52,800.00Granted13-Jan-1993 $0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00false
1991$53,800.0026-Aug-1991 $7,638.0011309426-Aug-1991 $46,162.00Granted21-Dec-1991 $0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00false
1990$53,800.0014-Sep-1990 $500.0011161414-Sep-1990 $53,300.00Granted13-Nov-1990 $0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00false
1989$53,800.0025-Aug-1989 $0.0011362125-Aug-1989 $53,800.00Granted14-Nov-1989 $0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00$0.00false


Bond NumberNameSuretyAmountBond DateStatusStatus DateTypeCeasedOther Affected Tenements
315130Bond Requirement$5,000.0013-Mar-2009 Finalised15-Jan-2013 true
315126Bond - Security$5,000.00 (Inital)13-Mar-2009 Retired15-Jan-2013 Securitytrue
233677Bond - Security$5,000.00 (Inital)13-Feb-2006 Retired16-Mar-2009 Securitytrue

Native Title Referrals

Referred to Native Title DateReferral TypeCurrent StatusProcedureDetailsObjectionsWater CommentsDetermination AreasClaimsRepresentative Area Bodies
Tenement Application