Extracted from MTO on 15-Mar-2025 00:49,
last changed 23-Jan-2025.
# | Ver | Text | Start | End |
1 | 1 | Survey. | 11-Aug-1993 | |
2 | 1 | Compliance with the provisions of the Aboriginal Heritage Act, 1972 to ensure that no action is taken which would interfere with or damage any Aboriginal site. | 11-Aug-1993 | |
3 | 1 | All surface holes drilled for the purpose of exploration are to be capped, filled or otherwise made safe after completion. | 11-Aug-1993 | |
4 | 2 | All costeans and other disturbances to the surface of the land made as a result of exploration, including drill pads, grid lines and access tracks, being backfilled and rehabilitated to the satisfaction of the Environmental Officer, Department of Industry and Resources (DoIR). Backfilling and rehabilitation being required no later than 6 months after excavation unless otherwise approved in writing by the Environmental Officer, DoIR. | 12-Aug-2005 | |
4 | 1 | All costeans and other disturbances to the surface of the land made as a result of exploration, including drill pads, grid lines and access tracks, being backfilled and rehabilitated to the satisfaction of the District Mining Engineer. Backfilling and rehabilitation being required no later than 6 months after excavation unless otherwise approved in writing by the District Mining Engineer. | 11-Aug-1993 | 11-Aug-2005 |
5 | 1 | All waste materials, rubbish, plastic sample bags, abandoned equipment and temporary buildings being removed from the mining tenement prior to or at the termination of exploration program. | 11-Aug-1993 | |
6 | 2 | Unless the written approval of the Environmental Officer, DoIR is first obtained, the use of scrapers, graders, bulldozers, backhoes or other mechanised equipment for surface disturbance or the excavation of costeans is prohibited. Following approval, all topsoil being removed ahead of mining operations and separately stockpiled for replacement after backfilling and/or completion of operations. | 12-Aug-2005 | |
6 | 1 | Unless the written approval of the District Mining Engineer, Department of Mines, is first obtained, the use of scrapers, graders, bulldozers, backhoes or other mechanised equipment for surface disturbance or the excavation of costeans is prohibited. Following approval, all topsoil being removed ahead of mining operations and separately stockpiled for replacement after backfilling and/or completion of operations. | 11-Aug-1993 | 11-Aug-2005 |
7 | 2 | No developmental or productive mining or construction activity being commenced until the tenement holder has submitted a plan of the proposed operations and measures to safeguard the environment to the Director, Environment, DoIR for assessment; and until his written approval has been obtained. | 12-Aug-2005 | |
7 | 1 | No developmental or productive mining or construction activity being commenced until the tenement holder has submitted a plan of the proposed operations and measures to safeguard the environment to the State Mining Engineer for assessment; and until his written approval has been obtained. | 11-Aug-1993 | 11-Aug-2005 |
8 | 2 | The construction and operation of the project and measures to protect the environment being carried out generally in accordance with the documents titled:
- "Notice of Intent- Low Impact Mining Operation" for Mining Lease 45/579 dated 06 August 1998 and retained on Department of Minerals and Energy File No. 2197/98.
- (MPMCP Reg ID 90203) "Mining Proposal and Mine Closure Plan for Small Operations - Owens Gully Mining" dated 26 September 2020, and retained on Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and safety File No. EARS-MPMCP-90203 as Doc ID 7738680
Where a difference exists between the above document(s) and the following conditions then the following conditions shall apply. | 26-Oct-2020 | |
8 | 1 | The construction and operation of the project and measures to protect the environment being carried out generally in accordance with the documents titled: "Notice of Intent- Low Impact Mining Operation" for Mining Lease 45/579 dated 06 August 1998 and retained on Department of Minerals and Energy File No. 2197/98.Where a difference exists between the above document(s) and the following conditions then the following conditions shall apply. | 20-Jan-1999 | 25-Oct-2020 |
9 | 1 | The development and operation of the project being carried out in such a manner so as to create the minimum practicable disturbance to the existing vegetation and natural landform. | 20-Jan-1999 | |
10 | 1 | All topsoil being removed ahead of all mining operations from sites such as pit areas, waste disposal areas, ore stockpile areas, pipeline, haul roads and new access roads and being stockpiled for later respreading or immediately respread as rehabilitation progresses. | 20-Jan-1999 | |
11 | 1 | At the completion of operation all buildings and structures being removed from site or demolished and buried to the satisfaction of the State Mining Engineer. | 20-Jan-1999 | |
12 | 1 | All rubbish and scrap being progressively disposed of in a suitable manner. | 20-Jan-1999 | |
13 | 1 | At the completion of operations, or progressively where possible, all access roads and other disturbed areas being covered with topsoil, deep ripped and revegetated with local native grasses, shrubs and trees to the satisfaction of the State Mining Engineer. | 20-Jan-1999 | |
14 | 1 | Any alteration or expansion of operations within the lease boundaries beyond that outlined in the above document(s) not commencing until a plan of operations and a program to safeguard the environment are submitted to the State Mining Engineer for his assessment and until his written approval to proceed has been obtained. | 20-Jan-1999 | |
15 | 1 | The lessee arranging lodgement of an Unconditional Performance Bond executed by a Bank or other approved financial institution in favour of the Minister for Mines in the sum of $2,000 for due compliance with the environmental conditions of the lease. | 20-Jan-1999 | 01-Jul-2013 |
16 | 2 | The Lessee submitting to the Executive Director, Environment Division, DMP, a brief annual report outlining the project operations, minesite environmental management and rehabilitation work undertaken in the previous 12 months and the proposed operations, environmental management plans and rehabilitation programmes for the next 12 months. This report to be submitted each year in: | 30-Aug-2013 | |
16 | 1 | The lessee submitting to the State Mining Engineer in April of each year, a brief annual report outlining the project operations, minesite environmental management and rehabilitation work undertaken in the previous 12 months and the proposed operations, environmental management plans and rehabilitation programs for the next 12 months. | 20-Jan-1999 | 30-Aug-2013 |
17 | 1 | A Mine Closure Plan is to be submitted in the Annual Environmental Reporting month specified in tenement conditions in the year specified below, unless otherwise directed by an Environmental Officer, DMP. The Mine Closure Plan is to be prepared in accordance with the "Guidelines for Preparing Mine Closure Plans" available on DMP's website:
| 01-Aug-2012 | 26-Oct-2020 |
18 | 1 | A Mine Closure Plan is to be submitted in the Annual Environmental Reporting month specified in tenement conditions in the year specified below, unless otherwise directed by the Executive Director Resource and Environmental Compliance Division, Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety. The Mine Closure Plan is to be prepared in accordance with the Department's "Guidelines for Preparing Mine Closure Plans":
| 26-Oct-2020 | |
19 | 1 | All reasonable and practicable measures will be taken to prevent the spread of dieback and weeds. | 26-Oct-2020 | |
20 | 1 | Lined storage dams will be fitted with appropriate fauna egress points to ensure that any fauna does not become entrapped. | 26-Oct-2020 | |
21 | 1 | All reasonable measures will be taken to ensure all hydrocarbons, environmentally hazardous chemicals, process water and other environmentally hazardous substances or waste are stored and managed in a manner to prevent discharges to the environment. | 26-Oct-2020 | |
22 | 1 | All hydrocarbon spills or chemical spills will be contained and cleaned up within a timely manner. | 26-Oct-2020 | |
23 | 1 | Clearing of large, mature trees will be avoided, where practicable. | 26-Oct-2020 | |
24 | 1 | All activities to be undertaken so as to avoid or minimise damage, disturbance or contamination of waterways, including their beds and banks, riparian and other water dependent vegetation. | 26-Oct-2020 | |
25 | 1 | The Lessee taking all reasonable and practicable measures to prevent or minimise the generation of dust from mining operations. | 26-Oct-2020 | |
26 | 1 | All mining related landforms and disturbances must be rehabilitated, in a progressive manner where practicable, to ensure they are safe, stable, non-polluting, integrated with the surrounding landscape and support self-sustaining, functional ecosystems or alternative agreed outcome to the satisfaction of the Executive Director, Resource and Environmental Compliance, Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety. | 26-Oct-2020 | |
27 | 1 | All excavations will be backfilled and/or closed to ensure they are stable and safe to the satisfaction of the Executive Director, Resource and Environmental Compliance Division, DMIRS. | 26-Oct-2020 | |
28 | 1 | All waste materials, rubbish, plastic sample bags, abandoned equipment and temporary buildings being removed from the mining tenement prior to or at the termination of the operation. | 26-Oct-2020 | |
29 | 1 | Any watercourses that are disturbed by mining operations will be restored, as far as practicable, to the pre-disturbance conditions. | 26-Oct-2020 | |
30 | 1 | Any shafts will be covered, fenced or otherwise made safe to the satisfaction of the Executive Director, Resource and Environmental Compliance Division, DMIRS. | 26-Oct-2020 | |
31 | 1 | All chemicals and hydrocarbons will be removed from site prior to or at the termination of the operation. | 26-Oct-2020 | |
32 | 1 | Scrape and detecting and dry blowing operations are to be progressively rehabilitated so that no more than two hectares will be open (meaning disturbed without rehabilitation works being completed) at any one time. | 26-Oct-2020 | |
Cond # | Ver | Text | Start | End |
1 | 1 | Survey. | 11-Aug-1993 | |
2 | 1 | Compliance with the provisions of the Aboriginal Heritage Act, 1972 to ensure that no action is taken which would interfere with or damage any Aboriginal site. | 11-Aug-1993 | |
3 | 1 | All surface holes drilled for the purpose of exploration are to be capped, filled or otherwise made safe after completion. | 11-Aug-1993 | |
4 | 2 | All costeans and other disturbances to the surface of the land made as a result of exploration, including drill pads, grid lines and access tracks, being backfilled and rehabilitated to the satisfaction of the Environmental Officer, Department of Industry and Resources (DoIR). Backfilling and rehabilitation being required no later than 6 months after excavation unless otherwise approved in writing by the Environmental Officer, DoIR. | 12-Aug-2005 | |
4 | 1 | All costeans and other disturbances to the surface of the land made as a result of exploration, including drill pads, grid lines and access tracks, being backfilled and rehabilitated to the satisfaction of the District Mining Engineer. Backfilling and rehabilitation being required no later than 6 months after excavation unless otherwise approved in writing by the District Mining Engineer. | 11-Aug-1993 | 11-Aug-2005 |
5 | 1 | All waste materials, rubbish, plastic sample bags, abandoned equipment and temporary buildings being removed from the mining tenement prior to or at the termination of exploration program. | 11-Aug-1993 | |
6 | 2 | Unless the written approval of the Environmental Officer, DoIR is first obtained, the use of scrapers, graders, bulldozers, backhoes or other mechanised equipment for surface disturbance or the excavation of costeans is prohibited. Following approval, all topsoil being removed ahead of mining operations and separately stockpiled for replacement after backfilling and/or completion of operations. | 12-Aug-2005 | |
6 | 1 | Unless the written approval of the District Mining Engineer, Department of Mines, is first obtained, the use of scrapers, graders, bulldozers, backhoes or other mechanised equipment for surface disturbance or the excavation of costeans is prohibited. Following approval, all topsoil being removed ahead of mining operations and separately stockpiled for replacement after backfilling and/or completion of operations. | 11-Aug-1993 | 11-Aug-2005 |
7 | 2 | No developmental or productive mining or construction activity being commenced until the tenement holder has submitted a plan of the proposed operations and measures to safeguard the environment to the Director, Environment, DoIR for assessment; and until his written approval has been obtained. | 12-Aug-2005 | |
7 | 1 | No developmental or productive mining or construction activity being commenced until the tenement holder has submitted a plan of the proposed operations and measures to safeguard the environment to the State Mining Engineer for assessment; and until his written approval has been obtained. | 11-Aug-1993 | 11-Aug-2005 |
8 | 2 | The construction and operation of the project and measures to protect the environment being carried out generally in accordance with the documents titled:
- "Notice of Intent- Low Impact Mining Operation" for Mining Lease 45/579 dated 06 August 1998 and retained on Department of Minerals and Energy File No. 2197/98.
- (MPMCP Reg ID 90203) "Mining Proposal and Mine Closure Plan for Small Operations - Owens Gully Mining" dated 26 September 2020, and retained on Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and safety File No. EARS-MPMCP-90203 as Doc ID 7738680
Where a difference exists between the above document(s) and the following conditions then the following conditions shall apply. | 26-Oct-2020 | |
8 | 1 | The construction and operation of the project and measures to protect the environment being carried out generally in accordance with the documents titled: "Notice of Intent- Low Impact Mining Operation" for Mining Lease 45/579 dated 06 August 1998 and retained on Department of Minerals and Energy File No. 2197/98.Where a difference exists between the above document(s) and the following conditions then the following conditions shall apply. | 20-Jan-1999 | 25-Oct-2020 |
9 | 1 | The development and operation of the project being carried out in such a manner so as to create the minimum practicable disturbance to the existing vegetation and natural landform. | 20-Jan-1999 | |
10 | 1 | All topsoil being removed ahead of all mining operations from sites such as pit areas, waste disposal areas, ore stockpile areas, pipeline, haul roads and new access roads and being stockpiled for later respreading or immediately respread as rehabilitation progresses. | 20-Jan-1999 | |
11 | 1 | At the completion of operation all buildings and structures being removed from site or demolished and buried to the satisfaction of the State Mining Engineer. | 20-Jan-1999 | |
12 | 1 | All rubbish and scrap being progressively disposed of in a suitable manner. | 20-Jan-1999 | |
13 | 1 | At the completion of operations, or progressively where possible, all access roads and other disturbed areas being covered with topsoil, deep ripped and revegetated with local native grasses, shrubs and trees to the satisfaction of the State Mining Engineer. | 20-Jan-1999 | |
14 | 1 | Any alteration or expansion of operations within the lease boundaries beyond that outlined in the above document(s) not commencing until a plan of operations and a program to safeguard the environment are submitted to the State Mining Engineer for his assessment and until his written approval to proceed has been obtained. | 20-Jan-1999 | |
15 | 1 | The lessee arranging lodgement of an Unconditional Performance Bond executed by a Bank or other approved financial institution in favour of the Minister for Mines in the sum of $2,000 for due compliance with the environmental conditions of the lease. | 20-Jan-1999 | 01-Jul-2013 |
16 | 2 | The Lessee submitting to the Executive Director, Environment Division, DMP, a brief annual report outlining the project operations, minesite environmental management and rehabilitation work undertaken in the previous 12 months and the proposed operations, environmental management plans and rehabilitation programmes for the next 12 months. This report to be submitted each year in: | 30-Aug-2013 | |
16 | 1 | The lessee submitting to the State Mining Engineer in April of each year, a brief annual report outlining the project operations, minesite environmental management and rehabilitation work undertaken in the previous 12 months and the proposed operations, environmental management plans and rehabilitation programs for the next 12 months. | 20-Jan-1999 | 30-Aug-2013 |
17 | 1 | A Mine Closure Plan is to be submitted in the Annual Environmental Reporting month specified in tenement conditions in the year specified below, unless otherwise directed by an Environmental Officer, DMP. The Mine Closure Plan is to be prepared in accordance with the "Guidelines for Preparing Mine Closure Plans" available on DMP's website:
| 01-Aug-2012 | 26-Oct-2020 |
18 | 1 | A Mine Closure Plan is to be submitted in the Annual Environmental Reporting month specified in tenement conditions in the year specified below, unless otherwise directed by the Executive Director Resource and Environmental Compliance Division, Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety. The Mine Closure Plan is to be prepared in accordance with the Department's "Guidelines for Preparing Mine Closure Plans":
| 26-Oct-2020 | |
19 | 1 | All reasonable and practicable measures will be taken to prevent the spread of dieback and weeds. | 26-Oct-2020 | |
20 | 1 | Lined storage dams will be fitted with appropriate fauna egress points to ensure that any fauna does not become entrapped. | 26-Oct-2020 | |
21 | 1 | All reasonable measures will be taken to ensure all hydrocarbons, environmentally hazardous chemicals, process water and other environmentally hazardous substances or waste are stored and managed in a manner to prevent discharges to the environment. | 26-Oct-2020 | |
22 | 1 | All hydrocarbon spills or chemical spills will be contained and cleaned up within a timely manner. | 26-Oct-2020 | |
23 | 1 | Clearing of large, mature trees will be avoided, where practicable. | 26-Oct-2020 | |
24 | 1 | All activities to be undertaken so as to avoid or minimise damage, disturbance or contamination of waterways, including their beds and banks, riparian and other water dependent vegetation. | 26-Oct-2020 | |
25 | 1 | The Lessee taking all reasonable and practicable measures to prevent or minimise the generation of dust from mining operations. | 26-Oct-2020 | |
26 | 1 | All mining related landforms and disturbances must be rehabilitated, in a progressive manner where practicable, to ensure they are safe, stable, non-polluting, integrated with the surrounding landscape and support self-sustaining, functional ecosystems or alternative agreed outcome to the satisfaction of the Executive Director, Resource and Environmental Compliance, Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety. | 26-Oct-2020 | |
27 | 1 | All excavations will be backfilled and/or closed to ensure they are stable and safe to the satisfaction of the Executive Director, Resource and Environmental Compliance Division, DMIRS. | 26-Oct-2020 | |
28 | 1 | All waste materials, rubbish, plastic sample bags, abandoned equipment and temporary buildings being removed from the mining tenement prior to or at the termination of the operation. | 26-Oct-2020 | |
29 | 1 | Any watercourses that are disturbed by mining operations will be restored, as far as practicable, to the pre-disturbance conditions. | 26-Oct-2020 | |
30 | 1 | Any shafts will be covered, fenced or otherwise made safe to the satisfaction of the Executive Director, Resource and Environmental Compliance Division, DMIRS. | 26-Oct-2020 | |
31 | 1 | All chemicals and hydrocarbons will be removed from site prior to or at the termination of the operation. | 26-Oct-2020 | |
32 | 1 | Scrape and detecting and dry blowing operations are to be progressively rehabilitated so that no more than two hectares will be open (meaning disturbed without rehabilitation works being completed) at any one time. | 26-Oct-2020 | |
Type | Number | Details |
Agreement | 24H/956 | Agreement (Option) CRA Exploration Pty Ltd. and John Edward TELFER Lodged 9:30:00 AM on 27 Jul 1995REGISTERED 9:30 AM 27 Jul 1995 |
Caveat | 220H/956 | Lodged 9:30:00 AM on 27 Jul 1995 by CRA EXPLORATION PTY LTDRECORDED 9:30 AM 27 Jul 1995WITHDRAWN 1:15:00 PM 27 Jul 1996 |
Withdrawal of Dealing | 58H/967 | Lodged 1:15:00 PM on 24 Jul 1996 withdrawing Caveat 220H/956REGISTERED 1:15 PM 24 Jul 1996 |
Bond | PE4689 | Lodged on 07 Jan 1999 For $2,000.00RECORDED 07 Jan 1999Lodged:00:00 07 January 1999Bond Type:Unconditional Performance BondBond Amount:$2,000.00RECORDED:07 January 1999RETIRED - MRF:05 February 2015 |
Application to Amend | MB13/001 | Lodged 3:10:00 PM on 05 Jan 2001 amending the address to read: " PO Box 107, Cue WA 6640."REGISTERED 3:10 PM 05 Jan 2001 |
Caveat | 256H/045 | Lodged 10:00:00 AM on 20 Dec 2004 by Robert Edward WARD in respect to 100/100ths shares in the name of John Edward TELFERRECORDED 10:00 AM 20 Dec 2004Lodged:10:00 20 December 2004Caveat Type:CaveatCaveator:WARD, Robert EdwardShares Caveated:100/100 shares TELFER, John EdwardRECORDED:10:00 20 December 2004Re Agreement 265H/045 (207745), 14 day notice sent 26 February 2019.
Caveat to remain in full force and effect by order Warden O'Sullivan SM on 21 February 2019.
Re: Transfer 545598 14 Day notice sent 25 February 2019 |
Application for Forfeiture | 272308 | Lodged 9:50:00 AM on 13 Aug 2007 by Robert Edward WARDRECORDED:09:50 13 August 2007DISMISSED: 00:00:00 11/11/2008 |
Bond Requirement | 311514 | Requirement Date:20/11/1999Amount:$2,000.00RECORDED:14:59:13 20 November 1999FINALISED:10:19:29 05 February 2015 |
Application to Amend | 388966 | Lodged:10:20 10 January 2012Amending:AddressFrom:Residential : TELFER, John Edward, SAME AS CORRESPONDENCE and Correspondence :TELFER, John Edward, C/-, PO BOX 216, SOUTHERN CROSS, WA, 6426To:Residential : TELFER, John Edward, ADDRESS NOT PROVIDED and Correspondence :TELFER, John Edward, PO BOX 8236, PERTH BC, WA, 6849RECORDED:10:20 10 January 2012 |
Application to Amend | 421871 | Lodged:08:45 29 April 2013Amending:AddressFrom:TELFER, John Edward, PO BOX 8236, PERTH BC, WA, 6849To:TELFER, John Edward, PO BOX 1093, NEDLANDS, WA, 6909RECORDED:08:45 29 April 2013 |
Application to Amend | 440235 | Lodged:16:15 10 February 2014Amending:AddressFrom:TELFER, John Edward, PO BOX 1093, NEDLANDS, WA, 6909To:TELFER, John Edward, PO BOX 559, NORTH PERTH, WA, 6960RECORDED:16:15 10 February 2014 |
Extension / Renewal of Term | 453156 | Lodged:10:53:40 19 August 2014Applied For Period:21 YearsRECORDED:10:53:40 19 August 2014GRANTED:31 October 2014Granted Period:21 YearsTerm Renewed To:10/08/2035Late application approved and signed by Minister 31/10/2014 |
Application to Amend | 472637 | Lodged:13:34:02 10 August 2015Amending:AddressFrom:TELFER, John Edward, PO BOX 559, NORTH PERTH, WA, 6960To:TELFER, John Edward, P.O BOX 216, SOUTHERN CROSS, WA, 6426RECORDED:13:34:02 10 August 2015 |
Extension of Time | 517430 | Lodged:14:00 31 October 2017Type:Form 5RECORDED:14:00 31 October 2017APPROVED:11:30:58 02 November 2017Time to lodge extended to 02/11/2017 |
Application to Amend | 523070 | Lodged:15:20 07 February 2018Amending:Address (Including DTC Details)From:TELFER, John Edward, P.O BOX 216, SOUTHERN CROSS, WA, 6426To:TELFER, John Edward, P.O BOX 204, MERREDIN, WA, 6415RECORDED:15:20 07 February 2018 |